The European countries were interested in gaining power and expanding their empire. They competed to become the most powerful nation and improve their economic life. In order to become the largest European country they colonized America. Christopher Columbus (Italian) was an Italian colonizer and explorer. He completed four voyages that allowed the Europeans to colonize the Americas permanently. Christopher Columbus set sail in 1942 from Seville. The queen and crew were promised that they would return to India within six week. Columbus discovered America, but the people who came after him and the things they brought with them will change the “New World”. The Columbian Exchange came into existence when the new continent was discovered.

Before Columbus, Europe had a booming economy and needed more jobs for its people. So they searched for land elsewhere. In Europe, they’re cutting down the trees for fuel and space. In order to feed the growing population, more land is needed. The tools, transports and energy are all there, but space and time is running out. Europeans produce enough food to feed approximately the same number in a tenth of their space. They eat bread and porridge. North and South American agricultural systems are based on corn while European farming relied on animal husbandry and farming. Horses, goats and pigs are important to Europe, but they are not known in North or South America. Native Americans must hunt by foot, with bow and spear, and hides because they don’t have horses or guns. It is crucial for them to hunt bison. In contrast, Europeans use guns and hunt for pleasure, sport, or prestige. Europeans are unable to feed themselves when they exhaust their natural resources. They have no fish to eat, their continents are crowded and they are unsure what to do.

They quickly learned that there were aboriginals living in the area when they arrived. The Europeans called America the New World. The Columbian Exchange was born. The Europeans also brought diseases like smallpox and influenza. American Indians were not immune to these illnesses because the Europeans had been exposed to them. Millions of people died as a result. This contact, however, has also led to an increase of population in both hemispheres as well as the introduction of new crops and livestock, including corn varieties. Corn, potatoes, tomatoes and other crops were highly productive after they were brought back by explorers to Eurasia. A surge in European populations was attributed to the abundance of agricultural products. Silver production increased to unprecedented levels with the arrival of Western colonists, the development of mining, particularly the silver smelting, and the discovery and exploration of many silver mines in South America. Spanish-dominated Western powers sold a lot of silver in East Asia. Europeans brought horses with them to aid in the conquest. Horses quickly became popular, becoming a symbol and blessing of First Nations culture. Christianity has been a major religion in western culture since the arrival of the New World. Europeans had both positive and negative impacts on the New World. This is something that people should be aware of because it has a strong connection to today’s world.

Different groups of people were affected by colonization. Some people have a positive view of colonization, while others think it has had a negative impact. The New World has been formed through the contact between Europe, America and Asia. It has broadened peoples’ horizons. The contact between Europe and America has allowed the country to grow in power, as well as extending its sovereignties outside of the country. It is true that the Colombian Exchange brought positive changes to both Europe and America. However, there were also many negative aspects. Columbus’ encounters with Americans had many long-term effects, including slavery, the spread of disease via the Columbian Exchange, and new rivalries within Europe. Columbus Exchange impacts every society. Europeans brought new diseases to America, for instance. Native Americans lacked antibodies and were therefore susceptible to smallpox. This led to a large number of deaths, as well as a loss in culture. Before Columbus, there were no records of the Americas’ population. But this epidemic killed an estimated 50-90%.


  • marcosnguyen

    Marcos Nguyen is a 29-year-old blogger and teacher from Houston, Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Houston, where he studied education and psychology. Marcos has been blogging since 2009, and he specializes in writing about education and parenting. He currently teaches middle school social studies and language arts.