Postscript (PS) is a powerful printing language that originated on the Apple Lisa and Macintosh computers in the early 1980s. It enables you to control the layout and appearance of text and graphics on a printed page.

To create a postscript in an email, you need to know the basics of the language. Start by creating a text file with the postscript code and saving it as a .ps file. Then, in your email, attach the .ps file to the email and send it to your recipient.

The postscript code will run when the recipient opens the email and prints the attached file. You can use postscript to create simple or complex designs, including text, graphics, and even entire pages.

Here’s a simple example of postscript code that prints the text “Hello, World!”

/Helvetica findfont 24 scalefont setfont 100 500 moveto (Hello, World!) show

If you want to include graphics in your postscript, you can use the pdf drawing commands. For example, the following code draws a simple rectangle:

pdfdraw rectangle 0 0 100 100

There are many other drawing commands available, and you can find a complete list on the Adobe Postscript website.

You can also use postscript to create entire pages. The following code creates a simple two-page document with a header and footer:

%%Title: My Postscript Document
%%Creator: Your Name
%%CreationDate: Today
%%Pages: 2
%%Orientation: Portrait

%%Page 1

/Helvetica findfont 24 scalefont setfont 100 500 moveto (Hello, World!) show

pdfdraw rectangle 0 0 100 100

pdfdraw rectangle 100 0 100 100

%%Page 2

pdfdraw rectangle 0 100 100 100

pdfdraw rectangle 100 100 100 100

pdfdraw rectangle 0 200 100 100

pdfdraw rectangle 100 200 100 100

pdfdraw rectangle 0 300 100 100

pdfdraw rectangle 100 300 100 100

pdfdraw rectangle 0 400 100 100

pdfdraw rectangle 100 400 100 100

pdfdraw rectangle 0 500 100 100

pdfdraw rectangle 100 500 100 100


What is an example of postscript?

PostScript is a programming language created by Adobe Systems in 1982. It is most commonly used for desktop publishing and for creating vector graphics. Examples of PostScript code can be found in the PostScript Language Reference Manual.

What is the correct way to write PS?

There is no one correct way to write PS. Depending on your region, PS may be written as “Please” or “Thank you”. In some cases, it may also be written as “Thank you very much”. No matter which variant you choose, make sure to use the same one throughout your letter or email.

Is it professional to say PS in an email?

When you’re writing an email, it’s important to be professional. This means using proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It also means using language that is appropriate for the situation.

One issue that can be confusing is whether or not to say PS at the end of a message. PS is an abbreviation for postscript.

When used in a business setting, PS is typically used to add a note after the body of the email. This could be something like a reminder or a request for more information.

However, some people believe that PS is too informal for a business setting. In fact, some people believe that it’s unprofessional to use PS at all.

So, what’s the right answer?

There is no one right answer to this question. It depends on your personal preferences and the preferences of your company or organization. Some people will find PS to be unprofessional, while others will find it to be perfectly acceptable.

If you’re not sure what the prevailing opinion is at your company or organization, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid using PS altogether.

What is a professional way of saying PS?

There are a few professional ways of saying PS (postscript). One way is to say “Sincerely, ____” and put your name below it. Another way is to say “Yours Truly, ____” and put your name below it.

Why do we write PS in email?

In email, PS stands for “postscript.” It is a term used to denote a handwritten note that is inserted after the body of the email. PS is a way of adding a personal touch to an email, and it is often used to apologize for something that is written in the email or to provide additional information that is not included in the main body of the email.


  • marcosnguyen

    Marcos Nguyen is a 29-year-old blogger and teacher from Houston, Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Houston, where he studied education and psychology. Marcos has been blogging since 2009, and he specializes in writing about education and parenting. He currently teaches middle school social studies and language arts.