Westward Expansion was actually a series involving a number of events that led people to move west and expand the United States. This movement was influenced largely by manifest destiny.

Manifest destiny refers to people who believe God has directed the United States from the Atlantic Ocean toward the Pacific Ocean. They used the expression “sea-to-shining sea” often. These people had big dreams. These people were willing to take risks in order to have a better life. Although the journey was difficult, they persevered with hard work and planning.

Many reasons prompted people to move west. You could be looking for more land or gold, a better way to live your life, or the belief that Manifest Destiny is real. The land was good for agriculture and farmers moved there to have more. The East was very crowded with many immigrants. Everybody wanted more land and wanted to leave. More land means more farmers and more wealth. People wanted to buy lots of gold that was found in West Texas. Some people moved because there were more advancements. There were many transportation innovations made by new people with new ideas. The steamboat, the steam locomotive and railroads were just a few examples of transportation advances. Millions took advantage of the opportunity to reach greater heights. While there were many positive things that could be achieved by moving west, it is important to do so first.

There were many reasons why so many people died on the road. Many of those who traveled west didn’t have enough food and water. Most people didn’t have enough food and water for their journey. You’ll die if you don’t have enough food, bullets, or a wagon that doesn’t move.

These are just a few of the many reasons why people die. Bad weather, natural barriers and Native Americans can all be encountered while you travel. Bad weather can come in many forms, including heavy rains, snow, and extremely cold temperatures. Extreme temperatures and heavy rain can cause severe damage to your supplies. Not only did they get sick, but also from poor food and contaminated drinking water.

Natural barriers, such as mountains, can also make it difficult to cross. Native Americans were another problem. Native Americans were not happy with people moving onto their land and so often killed those who traveled. Their livestock is also a factor in people’s deaths. Other diseases that could be passed on to the oxen may also cause death. Your wagon will stop moving without your oxen. This could eventually lead to your death. Why haven’t people moved sooner?

We didn’t always own all of this land. How did we obtain all this land? To get the land that we now have, many purchases were made. All of these important factors played a role in the United States’s acquisition of all the land.

Thomas Jefferson in 1803 purchased huge amounts of land from France as the Louisiana Purchase. He bought approximately 530,000,000 acres for 15 Million Dollars, and it doubled America’s size.

Mexico had a portion of the United States land called the Mexican Cession. Mexico was bound to cede this land under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

The Gadsden buy was an 1853 contract to purchase a parcel of land in Mexico. This land was purchased at a cost of 10 million dollars. Last, but not least, Texas’s statehood.

Mexico was invaded by the Texans in 1845. Texas is a bigger state than the United States, which meant that Texas was able to add some land. We wouldn’t be where we currently are without these movements. There were many routes and trails that lead West. These trails included the Oregon Trail, Santa Fe Trail and Oregon Fur Trade.

The Oregon Trail was one of the most important trails. It was built by fur trappers and traders from 1811-1840. Only horseback and foot could be used to travel the trail. The Oregon Trail ran from Missouri through Washington. Most pioneers moved west on it around 1843. One in 10 people who traveled the Oregon Trail died from some kind of disease.

William Becknell established the Santa Fe Trail, a route covering 800 miles. It ran from Missouri up to Santa Fe Mexico. It was popularly used as a trade route for international traders. The Oregon Fur Trade, which was basically a trade in furs that followed Lewis and Clark’s trail into the Rockies, was known as the Oregon Fur Trade. They built relationships with Native Americans to discover a route through the mountain ranges that was 10 miles long. Many people found this helped them get through what was often the most difficult part. Many people moved west for many reasons. Manifest Destiny played a significant role in many people moving west.


  • marcosnguyen

    Marcos Nguyen is a 29-year-old blogger and teacher from Houston, Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Houston, where he studied education and psychology. Marcos has been blogging since 2009, and he specializes in writing about education and parenting. He currently teaches middle school social studies and language arts.