“From the depths of despair and need, people can work together, and can organize themselves to solve own problems and fulfill their own needs with dignity, strength, and that is Cesar E.Chavez’s quote. He describes his leadership skills and believes he must take leadership to bring unity among people. Chavez’s speech begins by introducing the church, making respectful remarks about it, then he discusses his personal experiences with the church, and why he feels that the church should be more concerned about Farmworkers. His experience shows that he wants to reach out and share his perspective with his audience. This is because he is concerned about those who work so hard for food production, but the church has no remorse. He is also trying his audience to join him. Louis Harris polls found that 17 million Americans had voted for the grape boycott in 1975. This tells him how many Americans he wants to persuade into his cause against the Catholic Church. Cesar Chavez uses an emotional speech to show fairness to farm workers. He also shares his knowledge of farm workers’ struggles.

Cesar, a Mexican-American labor leader, worked tirelessly to unite the people. Chavez was a man who spent his entire life working to improve the lives, conditions and pay rates of farm workers. He was young and had to endure the same struggles that current farm workers face. Chavez’s willingness to help raise awareness for farm workers is an impressive act. He first-hand experienced the struggles of farm workers and feels it wasn’t fair. Chavez began to notice red flags in the church. “Why do protestants come here and help people, demand nothing and give all of their time to farm workers, while our priests stay at their churches?” It raises questions about why a church as holy could not help those in need who have given up their time to work in the community and produce crops. Chavez was committed to improving the working conditions of farm workers. He attended Delano meetings in an effort to bring together all of them, but it was refused by the Priests. Chavez finally decided that the strike was a matter for all farm workers. Chavez is strongly attached to the church as well as the farm workers. The church is described as “an international ecumenical body, not just one in a particular community”, which allows Chavez to describe how the church can make an impact on people’s lives. He passionately tries to persuade them of its importance. Cesar describes the church he is protesting while boldly adding it to his description. This allows him to feel a deep connection with his passion for the church and the positive impact it has on his life and those he wants to spread awareness for. “The church that we are discussing is a tremendously strong institution in our country, and in this world,” Cesar says. However, he admits to admiring the beautiful church and the seriousness that poverty is in his community. And how the church is going to be fighting for them. Chavez is also very fond of farm workers. As a former worker, he has first-hand experience with the difficulties and hardships that they face. This speech contains feelings of sympathy for the farm workers as well as hurt at the church’s inaction.

Cesar Chavez led an incredible movement that made history. He brought hope to those who didn’t have any. Cesar started his protest as a result of trying to join the church to keep farmworkers under virtual enslavement. The protest led to the uprising by the poor against their church. “Chavez realized that it would not take a union to lift these burdens. It would need a movement,” this is the reason Chavez has led this movement for Farm Workers. Chavez has been the most credible leader in this fight against the Catholic church. To back his claim that church doesn’t care much about the poor, he exposed “the Catholic charities agents of the Catholic Church have millions earmarked just for them.” He discusses how often the money that the church has invested goes to feeding the hungry.

Chavez was an inspirational speaker who wanted to help people with problems and situations. He was motivated to help Farmworkers gain freedom. He wanted to join the church as he believed they were a group that focused on helping others. This speech addressed a situation in which a church cared only about itself and not about others. Chavez’s 1965 essay attempted to convince his audience to join his movement to improve the lives of the less privileged.


  • marcosnguyen

    Marcos Nguyen is a 29-year-old blogger and teacher from Houston, Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Houston, where he studied education and psychology. Marcos has been blogging since 2009, and he specializes in writing about education and parenting. He currently teaches middle school social studies and language arts.