The United States pursued an imperialism policy from the late 1800s to the early 1900s that was later called Social Darwinism. America’s Imperialist Age had positive effects on both the military world and the economic worlds. The United States considered the colonies to be vital to its military strength. Both imperialism and militarianism were connected. Because imperialism meant having the upper hand over the weaker. America needed a strong military in order to be the strongest nation and take power.

America is not the next European to take control. Military power was an imperial form of strength in the 19th century. A strong military is essential to safeguard its interests and implement its policies. “Seeing other nations establishing a global presence in military affairs, American leaders recommended that the United States strengthen its own military power” (Holt 549). Strong armies, navies, and trade protection were essential to ensure the United States’ security and to defend it against foreign threats. Admiral Alfred T. Mahan from the U.S. Navy urged officials to increase and invest in the American navy power” (Holt 559) This was done to be competitive with other countries. Leaders and governments who fail to keep their armies and navy strong are often deemed less or weaker than the leaders of other nations. This wasn’t just a positive effect. Modern technology allowed American factories and farms the ability to produce far more than the average American household could consume in the latter part of the 19th century. The United States needed more material to make its products and new markets.

“Imperialists believed that foreign trade was the only way to solve American overproduction and other problems, such as unemployment and economic recession” (Holt 559). The motive for European imperialism in nineteenth-century Europe was to ensure that the colonies’ economies would benefit from imperialism. Social Darwinism was a concept that some Americans developed. “The belief in free-market competition leading to the survival and the best” (Holt 555) America was growing rapidly and reaching the top in the world’s economy. Many believed that America had a responsibility to assist the poor. The American economy developed and produced more goods which made the country richer and contributed to the economic boom.

Overall, imperialism was the main factor in the United States becoming stronger. It forced the country’s interests to be protected and supported by its policies. They also contributed to the growth of technology and increased production.


  • marcosnguyen

    Marcos Nguyen is a 29-year-old blogger and teacher from Houston, Texas. He is a graduate of the University of Houston, where he studied education and psychology. Marcos has been blogging since 2009, and he specializes in writing about education and parenting. He currently teaches middle school social studies and language arts.